Allison Gannett

Stage 4, Brain Cancer


Stage 4, Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma


Stage 4, Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma


Stage 4, Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Laura Lummer

Overcoming Metastatic Stage 4 Breast Cancer

Chris Joseph

Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer

Chris Joseph

Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer

Chris Joseph

Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer

Andrea Schaffer

Stage 3, Oligodendroglioma

Andrea Schaffer

Stage 3, Oligodendroglioma

Sara S.

Stage 3, Breast Cancer

Sara S.

Stage 3, Breast Cancer


Ovarian Cancer, Stage 4


Ovarian Cancer, Stage 4


Ovarian Cancer, Stage 4


Stage 3, Brain Tumor


Stage 3, Brain Tumor


Stage 3, Brain Tumor


Stage 2 Breast Cancer


Stage 2 Breast Cancer


Neuroendocrine Cancer, Stage 4


Neuroendocrine Cancer, Stage 4

Liz C.

Lung Cancer, Stage 4

Liz C.

Lung Cancer, Stage 4

Liz C.

Lung Cancer, Stage 4

Liz C.

Lung Cancer, Stage 4

Dale W.

Carcinoma, Stage 4

Dale W.

Carcinoma, Stage 4

Heather C.

Vulvar Carcinoma, Stage 1

Heather C.

Vulvar Carcinoma, Stage 1

Heather C.

Vulvar Carcinoma, Stage 1

Joycelin R.

Stage 4 Brain Tumor

Joycelin R.

Stage 4 Brain Tumor

Joycelin R.

Stage 4 Brain Tumor

Joycelin R.

Stage 4 Brain Tumor

Keli B.

Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Mary C.

Stage 3 HER2+ Breast Cancer

Mary C.

Stage 3 HER2+ Breast Cancer

Mary C.

Stage 3 HER2+ Breast Cancer

Mary C.

Stage 3 HER2+ Breast Cancer

Kristy M.

Stage 3 Breast Cancer

My diagnosis was scary, but also frustrating because I was at the mercy of the doctors, labs, radiology departments, etc and no one seemed to have any sense of urgency. Reading Nasha’s book gave me control of at least part of my treatment. I had a single mastectomy and chemotherapy, but honestly both were not bad. I even skied almost every day during chemo. The intermittent fasting, high dose vitamin C IV’s, keto diet and mistletoe were life changing. Most people didn’t even know I had cancer and those who did were surprised that I looked and acted the same as always.  I never looked or felt like a typical cancer patient.

Judy F.

Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer

Having adopted the metabolic pathway to recovery rather than chemo which offered me 30% chance of being alive in 5 years' time, I have kept extremely well and had my full energy back just three months after surgery.  I am very heartened with the results to date with my CA125 levels dropping from 190 prior to surgery to 46 afterwards, then to 10 after 2 months and now 7.

Julia Theisen

Triple Negative Breast Cancer

I am in control of my journey - completely. I decide the extent to which I embrace this journey, and that's a powerful feeling. Physically I feel fantastic. Emotionally I am far less fearful about living with cancer.

Lisa G.

Stage 1, Breast Cancer

As I learned about my cancer diagnosis, I promised myself that I would lean into every resource, ask for help at every turn, and learn everything possible about this part of my health journey.  As I progressed through Standard Medical Care, I realized that there was more, that it could not be as simple as surgery and radiation, to get to survivorship.  All of my adult life I have been concerned about doctors treating symptoms rather than root causes.  As I sorted through the resources offered by the social worker where I saw oncology professionals I began attending webinars.  Through, and Jan Adrian, I found Dr Nasha Winters.  When I learned about the Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health I knew I had found what I was looking for.  One individual patient at a time.

Jenifer H.

Breast Cancer

Cancer is a word not a sentence and when you dig deep enough to find your truth, cancer becomes a gift.

Kristy Iacono

Mantle Cell Lymphoma

My quality of life was immensely better than it would have been with intense chemo and a bone marrow transplant. I got to raise my kids as a ‘normal mom’ and be part of their everyday lives. I'll never forget, my daughter was a freshman in high school and had just learned about chemo in school, and burst into tears when we gave her the news. We were able to let the kids know I was doing something different and it was going to be ok.

Heather D.

Stage 4 Breast Cancer

I was originally diagnosed in 2010 as stage 2B, I did the typical standard of care approach with bilateral mastectomy, chemo and tamoxifen. My cancer recurred in 2018 and I found Dr. Nasha's book 5 days after being diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Feeling completely LOST and forlorn, Dr. Nasha's book was an actionable book of HOPE and has been my cancer bible for the past 5.5 years. I've gone on to become a terrain advocate and would love to share my personal journey with anyone who is interested. I wish I'd had this information after my initial diagnosis because I 100% feel I could have avoided being stage 4.

Louise S.

Breast Cancer

The metabolic, terrain-based approach to cancer is focused on treating the causes, not the disease, to help your body heal. There is a saying in Malta that you can clean out the cobwebs but you need to find the Spider. For me, finding the various spiders has been the game changer

Julia T.

Triple Negative Breast Cancer

I was looking for deeper understanding as to the 'why' rather than the 'let's throw whatever we can at this' approach. The Metabolic Approach to Cancer has provided that and more! I am the captain of my ship, and I am fully empowered for my lifetime!

Pam Askins

Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer

I love how very individualized and data-driven it is. Your treatment plan is created just for you and modified monthly as your metrics change. I always thought that I would need to take certain supplements for the rest of my life, but that is not the case. As my body heals and my diet improves, I can manage without some of them. I really appreciate how very specific it is to me and my health and feel comfortable that I can track my bio-markers which will give me a forewarning potentially allowing me a chance to avoid a recurrence. It is very empowering.