Dr. Nasha to give keynote on “Tending the Terrain” at Orlando conference

Lynn Hughes
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Dr. Nasha to give keynote on “Tending the Terrain” at Orlando conference

Did you know that, in the mouth, the richest zone of microbes live between the teeth & gums. In fact, patients seen by Terrain practitioners are advised to proceed with caution when considering dental work in an active cancering process because it can release potentially pathogenic bacteria into the bloodstream.

But, the microbiome is just one element of the “Terrain Ten™,” the foundation of “The Metabolic Approach to Cancer,” and during Dr. Nasha Winters’ keynote on Friday, Sep 08, 2023, from 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM EDT, at Collaboration Cures, she’ll discuss all the Terrain elements and share how we can all be advocates and activists for health creation. You’ll also learn about the Test, Assess, Address™ methodology, which is taught in our practitioner and advocate education programs as a pathway to truly evaluate for, and optimize, health versus simply addressing symptoms.

The Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health will also have a booth where we’ll share information on our Terrain Practitioners and Advocatesresearch efforts, education programs, and plans to build the world’s first non-profit, integrative metabolic oncology medical campus and research institute.

In-Person and Livestream Register

The conference, which is open to the public and practitioners, will take place Sept. 7-9 in Orlando, Fla. There are In-Person registration options and an option to purchase a registration to receive a Live Stream of Keynotes (includes CE), and, MTIH followers can take advantage of a special discount code, CC23MTIH2, which will provide a $200 discount on in person and virtual registrations. Please note, when registering, do not enter the code in the “Enter your promotion code here” field at the beginning of the form, use the Discount Code field at the end of the form. Also, in the field “For this registration, I am” the coupon code will apply to all identification categories except Faculty/Retired/Student.

To register and learn more, click here. And, remember to enter the discount code CC23MTIH2 on the last page of the registration form to receive your $200 discount!