Now Accepting Cryptocurrency Donations!

Lynn Hughes
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Now Accepting Cryptocurrency Donations!

MTIH is excited to announce we are now accepting Cryptocurrency donations. Donating cryptocurrency is a non-taxable event, meaning you do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on your taxes. This makes Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrency donations one of the most tax efficient ways to support the MTIH mission:

  • Fund a Patient – Funding a patient will help to bring light to their cancer journey.

  • Fund a Practitioner – We need more practitioners who understand how to treat patients with the Terrain Based Approach.

  • Fund an Advocate – A cancer diagnosis is overwhelming and there is nothing more powerful than having an advocate who can walk you through the journey.

  • Fund the Mission – Your unrestricted donation will support the greatest needs of the organization for achieving our program goals and fulfilling the vision.